Sunday 11 January 2015

COP3: Front Cover + Certificate

For some pages I had to stack the words to get them on properly, this way I didn't have to break the flow of the writing and confuse the reader. It seemed the best choice to go with.

Colouring the words didn't really seem to add anything to the message so I decided against it.

I made sure each curve lined up with one another because otherwise it was really obvious they were not properly aligned.

For the cover I took inspiration from the Mr.Men book from my research because It was the book with a look that seemed the most appropriate for the type of illustrations I had already created. The big block typeface is bit of a homage to that book. I wanted to curve it like the rest of the text in the book but it didn't really seem to fit as well as the body copy did. 

I really liked the image on the front I had created as them looking like a happy family, however I did want some variants. However what I had created within the book, most pages didn't really fit the cover. Just like the one below.

I choose to write my name out manually and put it on the book because It didn't really have much character with it just in some normal typeface which didn't really say much. I wanted my own personality on there too. Which is why it is present at the bottom of the book.

The title of 'and the marvellous' star was made so due to some feedback I had since 'and a new star' wasn't interesting enough. I agreed, and marvellous star seemed a much more fitting word, as well as more appropriate as other books were titled so.

I decided not to go with this certificate, or a pull out version of it due to it being a bit boring in comparison to the rest of the book so I extended the last page and spread it across onto the back as a single page.

The result of which is below, I though this was a better way to represent the moral of the story because It was a nice ending note instead of a very anti-climatic certificate which contrasts a bit too much with the rest of the book.

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