Tuesday 6 May 2014

OUGD505 - Studio Brief 2 (TYPE)

I found a book on 50's typefaces, really thick. The reason I got it out was to investigate into what a 50's typeface looks like to help me narrow down what my logo should look like aesthetically. But It covered all the different areas of where a certain type of typeface would be used. Cartoon, horror, Television, comedy, all the different grounds that a typeface could be applicable too. I took note of all the ones that were roughly in the same vein as some of the other typefaces I had seen in the title cards from looney tunes for Studio brief 1. 

Thick chunky typefaces with some character too them. Rounded, and bold. Quite geometric to resemble the characters silhouettes. 

The above is a good example, but I do see more B-horror in it then a cartoon.

The font from Looney Tunes! - a fairly common thing back then, found it used in multiple different areas. It's appropriate, but not for an whole array of cartoons.

Too horror.

This is really quite something, It's got a load of charm to it that I enjoy, the inside parts. However I don't see something like this pairing up with many other typefaces, especially considering it would have to be custom.

Too funk.

Horror? Not sure.

Reminds me too much of a TV game show. 

Too - I'm not sure. It'd be probably suitable but I don't think it carries a good vibe.

Certainly not appropriate, calligraphy.

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