Thursday 15 May 2014

WWII Bomber Jacket

I wish I had found this sooner, would have been helpful for my Studio Brief 1. World War 2 Bomber jacket featuring one and only Bugs Bunny. Strange to think Bugs was even around that time, but it's true, considering it's the time period he was created in.

Thursday 8 May 2014

Hunting for a typeface - Studio Brief 2

I looked on Myfonts, searching for 1950's fonts but they were all tacky and not the look I was going for so I had to change my search results.

Below are the results:

Too funky.

Too crude.

Too crude, again.

Doesn't have much class.

Changed it again to get these:
Reminds me of a carwash.

Too Wild western.

Sarah Heal mentioned in my Crit to look into a designer, he created loads of remakes of disney film posters, and there was a typeface he used throughout them I really liked. It turned out, it was Futura, I can't believe I didn't realise. I really think it'd work wonders for my brief.

Research Lecture

Research Lecture.

They even have a twitter!


Deciding our topic. It’s important from the outset, if you can have a title that is focused.




The role of costume within the film “A taste of honey” (Very focused)

Did western society ever need cars; are the a necessity and how have they contributed to the formation of the urban environment? (Not focused, wolly waffle)

Chris likes spider diagrams.

Look into the film, look into the role of costume and everything related to it.


Primary research : Gathering your own original data

Secondary: reading around the subject and making use of other’s findings. Finding someone who disagrees with your findings. Trianglation.

Resarch methods, Visual practice, experiment interest and enquiry.

Questionairres. (Quality/quantitate)

Do a pilot questionnaire.


Academic normally a5 size.

Google Scholar

Printed Ephemera (Stuff that is printed, not intended to be kept.)



British Library in Boston Spa





don’t bite off more than you can chew.

Wednesday 7 May 2014

Product finds - OUGD505

Looked in Waitrose and discovered these packages, they were fairly classy, but they didn't look too modern, which is what got my attention mostly. 

A bit too classy, pink and gold. Feminine too. Not the look I want, Art deco looking.

I really like the Grove Organic Fruit Co's design, it's really quite 50's, but it's got a fun feel to it that comes from the black and the vibrant colours.

Tuesday 6 May 2014

End of Module Self Evaluation

Theory into Practice Synthesis

To show how language is used as a signifier of identity and class, I used poems written by those who are regarded to be of higher class and changed the language to reflect four different dialects phonetically: Geordie, Scouse, Brummie and Yorkshire. These four dialects are representative of the working class and through using poetry of the upper class it shows how the poem changes when different people read them.

Certain poems for the upper class aren’t just read by that class. Writing the poems in four different dialects represents how the people with these dialects interpret the poems and how they can be interpreted from it themselves.

Final Essay

OUGD505 - Illusion/ Product ideas

I looked in the library to see If could get any inspiration to create something more innovative to do with leaflets and packaging and I came across this book of nets. The one below Is effective but It's not very inspirational, it would probably work better as a birthday card or something similar to that.

The opening house is a clever idea, the mechanic to get it to open like that is quite ingenious as well. I could see this been a theatre opening to show the screen behind, or curtains opening. It has a few applications that spring to mind instantly.

This is the one that got my attention the most, the slight illusion/ trick that is played by the perspective of the card is really cool. I love the play on with the silhouette and how it's lined up like it is. I can see this working really well with characters in it's place. 

I like the below one, but Im not sure how effective it would be to just go ahead and pick it up. It's a nice thing to interactive with but it's not anything that's striking. The one above is a lot more obvious and effective.

I was thinkign of making a mailshot, this seemed like good solution for something more interactive.

Found out primark sell disney shirts. but why.

OUGD505 - Studio Brief 2 (TYPE)

I found a book on 50's typefaces, really thick. The reason I got it out was to investigate into what a 50's typeface looks like to help me narrow down what my logo should look like aesthetically. But It covered all the different areas of where a certain type of typeface would be used. Cartoon, horror, Television, comedy, all the different grounds that a typeface could be applicable too. I took note of all the ones that were roughly in the same vein as some of the other typefaces I had seen in the title cards from looney tunes for Studio brief 1. 

Thick chunky typefaces with some character too them. Rounded, and bold. Quite geometric to resemble the characters silhouettes. 

The above is a good example, but I do see more B-horror in it then a cartoon.

The font from Looney Tunes! - a fairly common thing back then, found it used in multiple different areas. It's appropriate, but not for an whole array of cartoons.

Too horror.

This is really quite something, It's got a load of charm to it that I enjoy, the inside parts. However I don't see something like this pairing up with many other typefaces, especially considering it would have to be custom.

Too funk.

Horror? Not sure.

Reminds me too much of a TV game show. 

Too - I'm not sure. It'd be probably suitable but I don't think it carries a good vibe.

Certainly not appropriate, calligraphy.