Friday 30 November 2012

Research design boards

Our group were given the theme of public transport, after that we had to collate together ideas of where to take this individually, to then research. I choose to go with researching into 'Divides in Class' within public transport. It's an something that really interested me, how you experience transport differently depending how much you pay, yet you're still doing the exact same thing.  

Straight after this task I decided to go get an idea of what it available in area, been in the city I thought it'd be pretty easy find divides. It wasn't, as there isn't as anywhere for the divides to really present them selves unless I actually took a ride on the transport with the available sections to be divided in. Eg: Airplanes. Buses and coaches are all relatively similar. But as a class, I'd feel rather working class? It's hard to put a figure on because it's used by all classes. The station quality of the metro and the national expressed were heavily different but I think that was down primarily to the date of when they were built, the national express station was obviously more recently built.

It was alot more evident within the brochures however, you could see the audiences through the simple aesthetic of them, a particular example been the First-group's brochures which seemed alot more premium, compared to the Metro's which seem relatively lower-classed. It's starker then actually trying to spot it within the stations.

I looked into the divides within airports and airplanes, It's pretty much defined perfectly here, different waiting areas, seating on the plane, meal. etc. The plane is even divided for it. I collected these images and formed them into the order which you'd go through when at a airport. I want to try and create that experience through image to gain a better understanding of what the differences are.

Economy class:

Buisness class:

First class:

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